CPD Tracker

Company Size : 5 employees
Company Age : 12 years
Sector : Medical Marketing


  1. To allow healthcare professional track and record their CPD hours.
  2. To present online content & assessment for CPD training modules.
  3. To facilitate content signoff with external review bodies


ADECSYS implemented a bespoke online software platform which advertised available content, supported healthcare professional registration, access to content and completion of self assessment questionnaires, consistent with best practices for medical professionals.

Users could access their CPD profile, and optionally record CPD hours from external sources, including conference attendances, workshops and briefing sessions.

Key Benefits

Healthcare professions had access to a CPD-centric database of continuously updated content, supporting their requirement to remain current with latest clinical research, emerging healthcare trends and best practice.

In addition, healthcare professionals could easily track their CPD hours, along with linked / uploaded evidence of completion, for reporting to their professional bodies, especially when subjected to random audits.